5 Money Moves to Make Before You Turn 40: Securing Your Financial Future

Want to secure your financial future? Check out these top 5 money moves to make before you turn 40.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re approaching the big 4-0 and wondering what steps you should be taking to secure your financial future. Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this video, we’re going to break down the top money moves to make before turning 40.

Why is it so important to secure your financial future before hitting this milestone? Well, for starters, you’re approaching a time in your life when you may have increased financial responsibilities, such as a mortgage, children, and aging parents. You want to make sure that you’re prepared for any financial surprises that may come your way, and that you’re on track to achieving your long-term financial goals.

But don’t worry, taking control of your finances doesn’t have to be daunting or boring. We’re going to make it fun and motivational! We believe that everyone has the potential to be the master of their own money, and we’re here to provide you with the tools and tips you need to make smart money moves and secure your financial future.

So, let’s get started and explore the top 5 money moves to make before turning 40.

  1. Build an Emergency Fund

It’s important to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses such as a car repair or a medical bill. In fact, according to a report by the Federal Reserve, nearly 40% of Americans would struggle to cover a $400 unexpected expense.

This is where an emergency fund comes in handy. An emergency fund is a savings account set aside for unexpected expenses, and it’s an essential part of securing your financial future.

So, how can you build an emergency fund? Start by setting aside a percentage of each paycheck specifically for your emergency fund. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses, depending on your circumstances.

To make it easier to save, consider setting up automatic transfers to your emergency fund account. This will help you save without having to think about it.

Building an emergency fund takes time, but it’s worth it. Once you have a fully funded emergency fund, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re financially prepared for unexpected expenses that may come your way.

  1. Pay Off Debt

Debt can have a significant impact on your finances, as it can accrue interest and make it difficult to achieve your financial goals. In fact, according to a study by CNBC, the average American has over $6,000 in credit card debt alone.

Paying off debt should be a top priority in your financial plan, as it will help you free up money for other expenses and investments.

There are a few different methods you can use to pay off debt. One popular method is the snowball method, which involves paying off your smallest debt first and then rolling that payment into the next smallest debt. This method can help you build momentum and stay motivated as you see your debts disappear one by one.

Another method is the avalanche method, which involves paying off your debt with the highest interest rate first, as this will save you the most money in interest over time. This method can be more financially efficient, but it may take longer to see progress and can be more challenging to stay motivated.

No matter which method you choose, the key is to stay consistent and committed to paying off your debt. This may mean making sacrifices in other areas of your life, such as cutting back on unnecessary expenses or finding ways to increase your income. But in the end, the freedom from debt will be worth it.

  1. Invest for Retirement

Investing for retirement is an essential part of securing your financial future. It’s never too early to start planning for retirement, and the earlier you start, the more time your investments will have to grow.

Unfortunately, many Americans are not saving enough for retirement. According to a report by the Economic Policy Institute, nearly half of American families have no retirement savings at all.

To avoid this situation, it’s important to start investing for retirement as early as possible. One way to do this is to take advantage of tax-advantaged accounts like a 401(k) or IRA. These accounts offer tax benefits that can help your money grow faster over time.

Another important tip is to diversify your investments to reduce risk. This means investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets to help spread out your risk and maximize your returns.

It’s also important to regularly review your retirement plan and adjust it as needed. This may mean increasing your contributions over time or adjusting your investment mix as you get closer to retirement.

Investing for retirement can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Start small, focus on the long term, and seek the advice of a financial professional if needed. The key is to start now and stay committed to building a secure financial future for yourself.

  1. Build Multiple Streams of Income

Building multiple streams of income is another key way to secure your financial future. Having multiple sources of income can provide a safety net in case of job loss or other unexpected financial challenges.

In fact, according to a study by Bankrate, having multiple streams of income can reduce financial stress and increase financial security. It can also help you achieve your financial goals faster and with less risk.

One way to build multiple streams of income is to start a side hustle. This can be anything from freelance work to selling products online. By leveraging your skills and passions, you can create a new source of income that can supplement your primary job.

Another way to build multiple streams of income is to invest in rental properties. This can provide a steady stream of passive income that can help you achieve financial independence faster. However, it’s important to do your research and understand the risks and expenses involved before jumping in.

Other options for building multiple streams of income include investing in stocks, bonds, or real estate investment trusts (REITs). These can provide a passive source of income over time and help diversify your investment portfolio.

No matter which method you choose, the key is to focus on building sustainable and diversified sources of income that can provide long-term financial security. It may take time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it in the end.

  1. Protect Your Assets

Protecting your assets is another important step in securing your financial future. Financial disasters such as a car accident, a house fire, or a major medical event can quickly wipe out your savings and set you back financially.

In fact, according to the National Safety Council, the average cost of a disabling injury is over $100,000. Similarly, the average cost of a house fire is over $30,000, and the average cost of a major car accident is over $60,000.

To protect your assets, it’s important to purchase insurance. This includes auto insurance, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, and health insurance. These policies can help protect you financially in case of an unexpected event.

Another way to protect your assets is to create a will. This ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes in case of your death. It’s also important to regularly review and update your will as your financial situation changes.

Finally, consider other ways to protect your assets, such as creating a trust or setting up a power of attorney. These legal documents can help ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes.

By taking steps to protect your assets, you can help ensure that your financial future is secure and that unexpected events don’t derail your progress.


Securing your financial future is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones. By taking control of your finances and making smart money moves, you can achieve financial stability and freedom.

In summary, the top money moves to make before turning 40 include:
– Building an emergency fund to prepare for unexpected expenses
– Paying off debt to reduce financial stress and increase your net worth
– Investing for retirement to ensure a comfortable retirement
– Building multiple streams of income to increase your financial security
– Protecting your assets to safeguard your hard-earned wealth

Remember, these steps aren’t just for the wealthy or the financially savvy. Anyone can take control of their finances and make progress towards their financial goals. With discipline, persistence, and a willingness to learn, you can achieve financial success and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

So, take action today and start implementing these money moves. Whether you’re just starting or you’re nearing 40, it’s never too late to start securing your financial future.